The artwork titled “Farm Channel,” created by artist Wayne Thiebaud in 1996, is an expressionist oil painting on wood, measuring 25.4 x 35.6 cm. Classified within the genre of landscape, this piece is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork presents a vibrant and colorful landscape that exemplifies Thiebaud’s expressionist style. Characteristic thick and rich applications of paint can be observed, suggesting a sense of texture and depth within the composition. The scene depicts agricultural fields from a high vantage point, highlighted by a distinct use of light and shadow. Dynamic lines divide the fields, creating an almost quilt-like pattern across the surface, with each division suggesting different crops or types of land use.
The painting employs a vivid palette with shades of blue, green, yellow, and red, to accentuate the contours and forms of the terrain. Contrasts between these colors contribute to the visual impact. In the lower part of the artwork, a reflective water body captures and morphs these colors, demonstrating Thiebaud’s expertise with reflection and the behavior of light.
Also notable is the inclusion of a small figure with an accompanying shadow, placed within one of the bright field patches, adding a sense of human presence and scale to the otherwise unpopulated environment. This hints at themes of human interaction with the land and the solitary nature of rural expanses. Overall, “Farm Channel” eloquently embodies the spirit of expressionism through its emotional resonance, compositional structure, and Thiebaud’s distinctive handling of color and form.