“Female Nude, Seated,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 in Paris, France, is a poignant sketch rendered in pencil on paper. This work is part of the Post-Impressionism movement and falls within the genre of sketch and study. The artwork is housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork captures the delicate form of a seated nude female, her posture leaning forward, resting her head on her arms. The lines in the drawing are expressive and dynamic, reflecting van Gogh’s characteristic emphasis on emotive and bold strokes. The sketch showcases a blend of precise detailing in the outlines of the body and looser, more abstract shading that conveys depth and texture. The simplicity of the medium—pencil on paper—allows the study to focus purely on form and movement without the distraction of color, emphasizing the contours and the human form in a raw, unaffected state.