The artwork titled “Femme Cheval” was created by Wifredo Lam in 1943. This piece falls within the Cubism and Surrealism art movements and is categorized under the portrait genre.
This enigmatic composition showcases an abstract portrayal of a female figure, marked by a fusion of human and horse-like elements, which is characteristic of Lam’s distinctive style that blends African, Caribbean, and European artistic influences. The figure is rendered in a stylized manner, with geometric shapes and forms that coalesce to create a dreamlike, almost mythical presence. The color palette is subdued, featuring muted tones with occasional bursts of more vibrant hues, adding depth and texture to the artwork. The interplay of lines, both curved and straight, along with the layering of forms, evokes a sense of movement and surrealism. The overall effect is one of complexity and intrigue, inviting the viewer to delve deeper into the intricate symbolism embedded within the painting.