“Femme Maison,” created by Louise Bourgeois between 1945 and 1947, is a significant work that falls under the art movements of Feminist Art and Surrealism. The piece is part of the “Femme Maison” series and belongs to the figurative genre, demonstrating Bourgeois’s distinctive approach to exploring themes of female identity and domesticity.
The artwork depicts a nude female figure whose head is replaced by the structure of a house. The body of the woman, painted with a textured, wood-like appearance, stands in front of a solid, deep red background. The house, detailed with horizontal lines to mimic wooden planks, emits what appears to be white smoke or perhaps a plume, emphasizing a sense of movement and transformation. The artwork evokes a poignant commentary on the confluence of home and identity, illustrating the complex interplay between the personal and domestic spheres.