The artwork, titled “Femme Maison,” created by the renowned artist Louise Bourgeois in 2001, is a part of the art movements Confessional Art and Feminist Art. This fascinating piece belongs to the genre of sculpture and is a part of the “Femme Maison” series.
“Femme Maison” features a soft, plush human form lying horizontally on a wooden floor beneath a glass enclosure. The torso of the figure is merged with a simplistic, house-like structure, symbolizing the intersection of the female form and domestic space. This intriguing juxtaposition reflects Bourgeois’ exploration of themes such as identity, femininity, and the complexities of the domestic sphere. The sculpture’s surface is composed of a light, beige material with visible stitching, evoking a sense of vulnerability and intimacy. The house, devoid of windows except for a small rectangular opening, signifies a sense of enclosure or confinement, aligning with Bourgeois’ broader thematic concerns within her oeuvre.