The artwork, titled “Field with Poppies,” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Executed in oil on canvas, this masterpiece is a quintessential representation of the Post-Impressionism movement. Measuring 91.5 by 73 centimeters, this landscape genre painting is currently housed in the Gemeentemuseum den Haag in the Hague, Netherlands.
“Field with Poppies” depicts a vibrant, expansive meadow dominated by a sea of red poppies, rendered with vigorous and expressive brushstrokes. The foreground of the artwork bursts with the intense red hues of the flowers, contrasted against the lush green stems and grass. The middle ground features a scattering of trees that rise against an equally dynamic background. The sky, filled with an array of blues and whites, showcases Van Gogh’s unique technique of swirling brushstrokes, conveying a sense of movement and vitality. This work exemplifies Van Gogh’s mastery in capturing the essence of nature’s beauty and his innovative use of color and texture to evoke emotion and depth.