“Field with Thunderstorm,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1881 in the Netherlands, belongs to the Realism art movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. The artwork captures a pastoral scene under a dramatic sky, showcasing van Gogh’s early exploration of natural landscapes with a focus on realism.
The artwork depicts a vast, open field overshadowed by an imposing thunderstorm. The sky, rendered with dark, turbulent clouds, dominates the composition, conveying a sense of impending intensity and transformation. In the foreground, a lone figure stands, seemingly bracing against the elements, while to the left, a horse-drawn plow can be seen amidst the stark, horizontal lines of the field. The trees and subtle distant structures on the horizon add depth and perspective to the piece. This sketch-style study emphasizes textural contrasts and atmospheric conditions, capturing the raw, untamed power of nature that van Gogh often sought to portray.