“Fifth Vision” is an artwork created by Hildegard of Bingen. This piece belongs to the Romanesque art movement and is classified within the genre of miniature.
The artwork features a detailed and vibrant scene depicting three figures within an architectural framework. On the left, a male figure dressed in a brown robe is seated, deeply engrossed in writing or drawing on an open book. A central archway divides this figure from a female figure wearing a similar habit, seated on an ornately carved chair. The female figure appears to be engaged in writing or reading, gazing upward with a contemplative expression, seemingly inspired by the flames depicted above her head. To the right, another female figure, with a serene look and dressed in a blue robe, stands observing the scene. The background is filled with rich golden hues, enhancing the overall luminosity and solemnity of the scene. The entire composition is framed with an intricate red and white border. This artwork exemplifies the narrative-driven and evocative style characteristic of Romanesque miniatures.