The artwork titled “First Communion” created by the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in 1888, is a genre painting executed on cardboard. It measures 63 by 36 centimeters and is a work associated with the Art Nouveau movement. The piece is currently housed in the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec in Albi, France. The artwork encapsulates the distinctive characteristics of the Art Nouveau style, which often includes elegant lines and a focus on modernity.
In the artwork, we observe a scene depicted with a sense of immediacy, capturing what appears to be a family group in an outdoor urban setting. The central figure is a young girl dressed in a white gown and veil, suggesting the attire of a first communion ceremony. She is holding the hand of an adult male figure who appears to be wearing formal attire, including a top hat, indicative of a significant social occasion. To their side, a female figure elegantly attired in a black dress and hat with an ornate accessory, presumed to be her mother, accompanies the young girl. The presence of a baby in a vintage pram adds to the familial context of the scene.
In the background, we notice architectural details and storefronts, lending a sense of environment and situating the group within a town or city landscape. The artist’s use of quick, sketch-like brushstrokes imbues the scene with a sense of movement and life, typical of Toulouse-Lautrec’s style, capturing a moment in everyday life with both intimacy and a broader social commentary.