The artwork titled “Fisherman’s Dream with Steam Iron” was created by David Lynch in 2012 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Executed in mixed media, it falls within the Art Brut and Surrealism movements, and is classified as a figurative genre piece.
The artwork presents an intriguing collage with a dreamlike quality, combining various materials and objects in a surreal composition. It features a scene that appears to be a beach with a blue sky and sea in the backdrop. A figure is seen floating in the water, emphasizing a surreal and dreamlike state. Upon the sandy ground, an assemblage including a fish mounted on an oval base, surrounded by letters scattered to form the fragmented title “fisherman’s dream w/ steam iron,” hints at an enigmatic narrative. The inclusion of a steam iron among these elements adds an unexpected, almost bizarre twist to the overall scene, characteristic of Lynch’s unique artistic vision. The intricate arrangement and the interplay of disparate objects invite viewers to explore the depths of imagination and interpretation.