The artwork titled “Fisherman with Basket on his Back” is a sketch created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882. This pencil sketch on paper belongs to the Realism movement, measuring 25 x 47 cm. It is categorized as a “sketch and study” piece and was made while van Gogh was in The Hague, Netherlands. Currently, the artwork resides in a private collection.
The image depicts a fisherman standing, facing slightly to the right. He is wearing a hat and a jacket, with a large basket strapped to his back, likely used for carrying fish. The pencil work demonstrates a variety of shading and strokes, with meticulous attention to the texture of the fisherman’s clothes and the woven pattern of the basket. The figure’s posture and facial expression evoke a sense of quiet endurance consistent with the themes of the Realist movement, which aimed to portray everyday life with authenticity and without idealization.