The artwork titled “Fishing nets. Shiryaevo.” is a creation of the esteemed artist Ilya Repin, dating back to the year 1870. This piece falls within the realm of Realism, an art movement characterized by a focus on depicting the subject matter truthfully and without artificial embellishment. Specifically, the artwork is recognized as a sketch and study, which serves as an exploratory preparation or an independent work capturing a moment or scene with observational precision.
The artwork showcases a riverbank scene where a succession of fishing nets have been hung up, presumably to dry. The renderings of the nets display an attention to the intricate details of their construction and the way they drape and sag with their own weight. To the left, the curving shoreline leads your eye to a gentle incline where the landscape rises gradually. A tranquil body of water partially mirrors the nets, adding a serene and reflective quality to the scene. Sparse vegetation punctuates the riverbank, contributing to the naturalistic portrayal of this rural setting. Toward the backdrop, a small copse of trees can be seen in the distance, enhancing the sense of depth and context within the setting. The sky above is adorned with lightly sketched clouds, suggesting the openness of the location. Repin’s deft use of line and shading in this study speaks to his keen observation skills and ability to capture the essence of his subject matter with simplicity and elegance. The casual but deliberate sketch lines imbue the piece with a sense of immediacy and authenticity, qualities celebrated in the Realist movement.