“Five Women on the Street” is an artwork created by the renowned artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in 1914. This piece belongs to the Expressionism art movement and falls under the genre of genre painting. The artwork measures 48.5 x 37 cm.
The artwork presents a dynamic and somewhat abstracted depiction of five women standing on a street, characterized by stark black and white contrasts and bold, expressive lines. The women are rendered with angular features and stylized forms, which is typical of Kirchner’s expressionist approach. The background and figures blend through sharp, energetic strokes, creating a sense of movement and emotional intensity. The women’s attires and the overall composition hint at a social narrative, potentially capturing elements of urban life in the early 20th century. The piece exudes a raw, energetic quality that is both visually striking and emotionally evocative, embodying the characteristics of the Expressionist movement.