“Flamenco Singers,” created by Sonia Delaunay in 1916, is an oil, wax, and canvas artwork that belongs to the Orphism art movement. This genre painting is currently housed in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon, Portugal.
The artwork features a vibrant and dynamic composition characterized by swirling, concentric shapes and bold, vivid colors. Sonia Delaunay employs a rich palette and geometric forms to convey movement and rhythm, reflecting the energetic essence of Flamenco performers. The interlocking circles and spirals dominate the canvas, creating a sense of harmony and fluidity, characteristic of the Orphism movement’s emphasis on abstraction and the interplay of light and color. The overall effect is both mesmerizing and evocative, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the pulsating world of Flamenco music and dance.