The artwork titled “Flower Matango,” created by Takashi Murakami in 2006, belongs to the Neo-Pop Art movement and falls under the figurative genre. The piece is a striking and vibrant sculpture that features Murakami’s signature smiling flowers. Displayed amidst an opulent and grandiose interior, the artwork comprises a densely packed, colorful assembly of smiling floral forms clustered in a spherical arrangement. The flowers extend outwards on sinuous stems, giving the sculpture a dynamic and lively aesthetic. The lavish background, with its ornate ceiling and reflective marble floor, contrasts sharply with the exuberant, modern character of the artwork, highlighting the unique fusion of traditional and contemporary elements characteristic of Murakami’s work.
Flower Matango (2006) by Takashi Murakami
Artwork Information
Title | Flower Matango |
Artist | Takashi Murakami |
Date | 2006 |
Art Movement | Neo-Pop Art |