The artwork titled “Flowers and a bird,” created by the renowned artist Paul Gauguin around 1885 in Paris, France, exemplifies the impressionistic style, which was prominent during that time. The medium used for this composition is oil, a traditional choice for paintings seeking to capture the nuances of color and light characteristic of the Impressionist movement. It is categorized under the genre of design and, as of the latest information available, is part of a private collection.
The artwork presents a vibrant yet subdued array of colors typical of Gauguin’s palette, with flowers being a central theme. The composition is circular, and the brushwork is loose and expressive, capturing the essence rather than the fine details of the flora. Amidst the lush foliage, a bird is visible, adding a dynamic element to the piece. The background is characterized by earthen tones, which provide a rich contrast to the brighter hues of the flowers and the bird. It is a fine example of how Gauguin managed to blend design with fine art, thus taking advantage of the formal qualities of both disciplines.