“Flowers IV,” created by the esteemed artist Keith Haring in 1990, belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement and is categorized under the figurative genre. The artwork exemplifies the distinct and bold stylistic elements that Haring is renowned for, reflecting his unique approach to line and color within a figurative framework.
The artwork features a vivid, dynamic composition that showcases a collection of abstract, interconnected floral forms set against a striking red background. Characterized by thick, black outlines that define the shapes of the flowers and their stems, the colors within the artwork are vibrant and varied, including hues of yellow, blue, green, and pink. The floral shapes themselves are stylized and abstract, with exaggerated curves and forms that lend a sense of movement and energy to the piece. The juxtaposition of the bold colors against the red backdrop, along with the drippings of paint at the bottom, adds to the visual complexity and depth of the artwork, creating an engaging and expressive visual experience emblematic of Haring’s artistic style.