The artwork titled “Flowers spring. Italy” is a creation of Raquel Sarángello from the year 2009. This piece is executed in oil on canvas and measures 19.7 by 23.6 inches. It belongs to the landscape genre within the fine art movement, capturing the quintessence of a floral landscape set in Italy.
Upon examination of the artwork, one can observe a vibrant and lush landscape, rich with color and dynamic brushwork. The foreground is dominated by striking, vivid flowers that seem to bloom energetically toward the viewer. These florals display bold and expressive colors, creating a tapestry of reds, yellows, blues, and oranges, suggesting the vitality of spring. A peculiar element is the presence of a centrally placed, eye-like flower, drawing in the gaze with its concentric circles of color.
Further beyond the floral abundance lies a series of rolling hills that recede into the distance, delineated by contrasting hues of greens and yellows, possibly indicating the variance in vegetation and the play of sunlight across the landscape. The hills successfully create a sense of depth and dimension within the composition.
The sky above is painted with tranquil blues and soft whites, portraying gentle clouds moving across the calm expanse. This sky provides a serene counterpoint to the lively activity occurring in the floral foreground, which combined with the hills, composes a serene yet spirited depiction of an Italian spring. The artwork, with its robust, almost whimsical use of colors, captures an essence that is both a celebration of nature’s renewal and an ode to the beauty of the Italian landscape.