“Flying Carpet,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1943, is an exquisite artwork rooted in the Symbolism movement and exemplifies the genre of mythological painting. The painting showcases a vivid depiction of a man flying on a carpet, a motif often associated with folklore and fantasy.
In the artwork, a strikingly luminescent sky, filled with hues of purple, orange, and yellow, commands the viewer’s attention. The majestic clouds glow with an otherworldly light, evoking a sense of wonder and mysticism. Below, the dark silhouettes of a sprawling fortress and city structure stand in contrast to the brilliant sky, their shapes hinting at a distant, ancient civilization. Dominating the scene is a figure on a flying carpet, positioned in the upper right corner. The man, wrapped in a flowing robe, appears to glide gracefully above the city’s skyline, his expression and demeanor suggesting both tranquility and purpose. Roerich’s masterful use of color and composition invites the viewer into a realm where myth and reality seamlessly coexist, embodying the essence of Symbolist art.