The artwork, titled “Fog Light,” was created by Sam Gilliam in 2011. This piece is part of the Lyrical Abstraction movement and falls within the abstract genre.
“Fog Light” features a vibrant and harmonious interplay of colors and forms. The composition is dominated by vivid hues of yellow, blue, and red, with softer intermingling tones of beige and green. The left side of the artwork presents a bold yellow area punctuated with irregular patterns and splashes of color. A striking vertical blue streak divides the canvas, creating a visual separation while connecting the two halves with its energetic presence. On the right, a swirl of lighter, more subdued colors blend into one another, evoking a sense of ethereal fluidity and movement. The overall effect of the artwork is dynamic and immersive, inviting viewers to engage with the abstract forms and vibrant palette. The piece exemplifies the expressive and emotive qualities characteristic of the Lyrical Abstraction movement.