The artwork titled “Frederick Law Olmsted,” created by the renowned artist John Singer Sargent in 1895, is an oil painting on canvas that embodies the Realism art movement. Measuring 232.1 x 154.3 cm, this portrait is currently housed at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, United States.
In the artwork, a dignified elderly man, presumably Frederick Law Olmsted, stands against a lush, natural background of greenery and flowering shrubs. He is dressed in a modest, earth-toned suit and overcoat, complemented by a cane in his right hand. The subject’s composed expression and the natural setting surrounding him invoke a sense of serene wisdom and harmony with nature. The intricate detailing of the foliage and the meticulous rendering of the man’s features reflect Sargent’s mastery in capturing both the character of the individual and the essence of the environment.