The artwork titled “French Peasant Woman Suckling Her Baby after Dalou,” created by Vincent van Gogh around 1881 in the Netherlands, is a genre painting executed with pencil on paper, belonging to the Realism art movement. This poignant piece is currently housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork portrays an intimate and tender moment of a peasant woman breastfeeding her baby. The detailed and intricate pencil work captures the gentle posture of the woman, her head slightly bowed in a nurturing manner. Her attire, a simple yet gracefully draped dress, and the rustic setting emphasize her humble background. The baby, securely cradled in her arms, is the focal point of her serene attention. The soft shading and precise lines effectively convey the texture of the cloth and the tender expression on the woman’s face, exemplifying the Realism movement’s focus on depicting everyday life with naturalistic detail and emotional depth.