The artwork titled “Fujiyama from Okitsu” was created by Hiroshi Yoshida in the year 1928. This landscape piece is part of the “Shin-hanga” art movement and belongs to the “Ten Views of Fuji” series. The artwork, bearing the hallmarks of its genre, meticulously captures the grandeur of Mount Fuji as observed from Okitsu.
In the artwork, Mount Fuji dominates the serene landscape, its snow-capped peak starkly contrasting with the soft, muted tones of the lower mountains and the surrounding environment. The reflective water in the foreground mirrors the mountain, adding depth and a sense of tranquility. The depiction of the shoreline, with its subtle gradations of light, conveys a peaceful, almost ethereal atmosphere. This piece is emblematic of Hiroshi Yoshida’s masterful ability to blend traditional Japanese aesthetics with subtle Western influences, thereby encapsulating the essence of the Shin-hanga movement.