The artwork titled “Garbage Dump,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883, is a sketch drawn with ink on paper. This piece falls under the Realism art movement and represents a sketch and study genre. Completed during van Gogh’s time in The Hague, Netherlands, the artwork is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
In the artwork, van Gogh captures a scene with remarkable attention to detail and depth. The use of ink creates a stark contrast, highlighting the silhouette of figures against a structured backdrop. The lines are meticulously drawn, with cross-hatching methods that enhance the texture and shading of the piece. The sketch portrays a bustling environment, likely a market or communal area, with human and possibly animal figures. The simplicity and rawness of the sketch evoke a sense of everyday life and the environment of the time, underscoring van Gogh’s ability to find beauty and complexity in ordinary scenes.