The artwork titled “GENERAL OF TIVOLI,” created by Yinka Shonibare in 2018, is a sculpture categorized under the contemporary and postcolonial art movements. This piece vividly exemplifies Shonibare’s exploration of complex themes such as identity, colonialism, and cultural hybridity, achieved through his distinctive use of vibrant textiles and historical references.
The sculpture presents an armless human figure donned in a colorful, elaborate costume made of patterned fabric, typical of African prints. The figure is positioned dynamically, suggestive of movement, giving the impression of stepping forward. Notably, the head of the figure is replaced with a globe, symbolizing themes of globalization and cultural interconnectedness. The pedestal upon which the sculpture stands resembles traditional classical European platforms, which further engages a dialogue between European and African historical contexts. The overall appearance is both striking and thought-provoking, inviting viewers to delve into a narrative that critiques and reinterprets historical contexts with a contemporary lens.