“Girl Arc,” created by Fernando Botero in 1976, belongs to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and is classified as a nude painting (nu). The artwork depicts the characteristic style of Fernando Botero, known for his voluminous and exaggerated figures.
In “Girl Arc,” a young girl is portrayed in a frontal stance, her torso nude, adorned simply with a string of red beads around her neck and a pair of pearl earrings. Her hair is styled in an intricate, voluminous fashion, complemented by a black ribbon. The girl’s expression is serene, almost solemn, with soft, rounded features typical of Botero’s works. The background, painted in a deep, subdued color, accentuates the figure’s pale complexion and the rich detailing of the jewelry and hair, allowing the simplicity and the boldness of the form to stand out. The piece evokes a sense of innocence and timelessness, achieved through Botero’s distinctive approach to form and space.