The artwork titled “GIRL BALANCING KNOWLEDGE III,” created by artist Yinka Shonibare in 2017, belongs to the Contemporary and Postcolonial art movements. This sculptural piece encapsulates themes central to these art movements, exploring complex ideas about knowledge, balance, and cultural identity.
The artwork portrays a young girl on one foot, seemingly defying gravity as she balances a substantial stack of books on her head. The figure is adorned in a vibrant, intricately patterned garment that draws upon African textile traditions. The girl’s head is represented by a black globe, symbolizing global knowledge and interconnectedness. The deliberate posture and the precarious balance of the books evoke a sense of tension, emphasizing the weight of knowledge and the effort involved in maintaining it. This striking sculpture challenges viewers to reflect on the concepts of education, cultural heritage, and the burdens and privileges of possessing knowledge against a backdrop of global history and identity.