The artwork titled “Girl on a Horse,” created by Dana Schutz in 2013, exemplifies the Neo-Expressionism art movement and belongs to the figurative genre. The piece captures the evocative and energetic essence characteristic of Neo-Expressionism, employing vigorous brushstrokes and bold color choices.
In the artwork, one can discern an abstract, yet discernible portrayal of a girl mounted on a horse. The composition is dynamic, employing a vividly bright and varied palette, which includes prominent hues of orange, yellow, teal, and green. The central figure, the girl, appears with an animated and somewhat surreal visage. The horse, largely constructed through geometric and angular forms, adds to the abstract nature of the piece. The background features an amalgam of expressive brushstrokes, which together with the foreground elements, create a sense of movement and energy. The piece effectively captures an intense moment, drawing the viewer’s eye across the canvas through its intricate layering and vibrant colors.