The artwork, titled “Glittering Sea,” was created by Hiroshi Yoshida in 1926 and belongs to the Shin-hanga art movement. It is part of the “Inland Sea Series” and depicts a marina scene, capturing the serenity of the sea with a keen sense of light and atmosphere.
In this artwork, the calm, reflective waters of the sea extend towards the horizon where they meet the gentle hues of an early morning or late afternoon sky. The focal point features two sailboats with dark sails gracefully navigating the tranquil waters, their reflections shimmering on the surface. The brilliance of the sun casts a golden pathway across the sea, leading the viewer’s eye from the foreground to the distant ships on the horizon. The soft, pastel colors in the sky contrast with the deeper, cooler tones of the water, creating a harmonious and peaceful composition that evokes a sense of quietude and reverence for nature.