The artwork, titled “God Loves You,” was created by Howard Finster in 1989. It falls under the Art Brut movement and represents a piece of sculpture. This intricate piece is characterized by its remarkable detail and layered composition.
The artwork features a multitude of figures and elements densely arranged within a rectangular frame. The frame is adorned with handwritten text, framing the multi-dimensional scene inside. The inner scene is populated with numerous, tiny, painted figures and structures, creating a complex, vibrant tableau. The figures appear to be engaged in various activities, and their vivid colors stand in contrast to the white background structures that give depth to the piece. This juxtaposition of elements suggests a bustling, almost chaotic yet harmonious environment. The artwork exudes a folk-art charm, highlighted by the distinctiveness of Finster’s method, marked by his characteristic use of text and playful, vibrant illustrations.