The artwork, titled “Gordina de Groot, Head,” was crafted by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands. Executed in pencil on paper, this piece belongs to the Realism art movement and represents the genre of portraiture.
The drawing portrays the head of a woman named Gordina de Groot. The subject’s countenance is marked by expressive and cautious strokes, manifesting Van Gogh’s profound observational acumen and skillful rendering of human character. The woman is depicted wearing a modest hat, her visage reflecting a blend of solemnity and dignity. The dark, cross-hatched background contrasts sharply with the lighter tones of her face and attire, accentuating the central figure. Below the portrait, there is a brief handwritten note, which, alongside the artwork, embodies Van Gogh’s intense and yet tender approach to capturing the essence of his subjects.