The artwork titled “Grand Theft Tyrannosaur,” created by artist Simon Stalenhag in 2018, belongs to the Digital Art movement and falls within the genre of illustration.
The artwork portrays a striking and imaginative scene wherein a colossal, vibrantly colored Tyrannosaurus rex is depicted being led by a human figure dressed in a yellow jacket, accompanied by a dog. The dinosaur, adorned with vivid purple and pink stripes, juxtaposes starkly against the subdued, natural tones of the surrounding landscape and suburban environment. In the background, one can observe a typical suburban residential area, with a distant city skyline, presumably modern-day Los Angeles, standing tall and hazy under the serene sky. The interplay between the futuristic, fantastical creature and the mundane, contemporary setting evokes a sense of surrealism and wonder, characteristic of Stalenhag’s distinctive artistic style.