“Gravity Fanatic,” created by Dana Schutz in 2005, is a piece that belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement and falls under the figurative genre. The artwork features a large, engaged human figure sprawled across a wooden floor, surrounded by various objects and tools that appear to be in disarray. The use of vivid and exaggerated brushstrokes draws attention to the figure’s chaotic interaction with the environment, giving an impression of intense activity and dishevelment. The figure’s elongated limbs and dripping features convey a sense of distortion, heightening the emotive and dramatic quality typical of Neo-Expressionism. The arrangement of elements like the fallen leaves, scattered sticks, and tools suggests a possible narrative or scenario, evoking curiosity and contemplation.
Gravity Fanatic (2005) by Dana Schutz
Artwork Information
Title | Gravity Fanatic |
Artist | Dana Schutz |
Date | 2005 |
Art Movement | Neo-Expressionism |