The artwork, titled “Green Lovers,” was created by Marc Chagall in 1915 in Vitebsk, Russian Federation. Executed with gouache, oil, and paper, this piece is a notable work within the Cubist movement. The portrait, measuring 48 x 45.5 cm, is currently held in a private collection.
“Green Lovers” depicts a tender and intimate scene of a man and woman rendered in a striking color palette dominated by shades of blue and green. The figures are adorned in detailed attire that features a contrast of vivid patterns and subtle textures, enhancing the emotional depth conveyed through their embrace. Chagall’s use of Cubist techniques is evident in the fragmented and geometric forms that compose the characters and their surroundings, inviting the viewer into a moment of serene affection and unity. This composition not only showcases Chagall’s mastery of color and form but also exemplifies the emotive potential within the Cubist style.