The artwork titled “Green Tea” created by Leonora Carrington in 1942, belongs to the Surrealism movement and is a symbolic painting. This piece exhibits the quintessential elements of Surrealism, emphasizing the connection between the conscious and the unconscious mind through dream-like scenes and imaginative symbolism.
In the artwork, the viewer is greeted by a fantastical landscape dominated by shades of green, suggestive of rolling tea fields under a calming sky. Central to the composition is a mysterious figure wrapped in a draped, cow-patterned cloth, crowned with an intricate headpiece adorned with various objects or creatures, adding an enigmatic quality. To the left, a peculiar vessel stands on slender legs, seemingly overflowing with elongated figures or plants, which enhances the surreal atmosphere. A meticulously designed hedge maze spans the background, contributing to the sense of mystery and exploration. To the right, two animals, a brown and a white one, appear to be tethered before a peculiar tree, denoting symbolic or mythical significance. The artwork’s overall dreamlike quality and intricate symbols call for deep interpretation, characteristic of Surrealist art.