The artwork “Hanging Heart (Red/Gold)”, created by Jeff Koons between 1994 and 2006, is a striking example of Neo-Pop Art. It is a ready-made and steel sculpture that captures the viewer’s attention with its bold composition and reflective surface.
The artwork features a large, glossy heart suspended in mid-air, adorned with an intricate golden ribbon. The heart’s vibrant red hue and the gleaming gold ribbon are meticulously crafted to create a sense of opulence and grandeur. The heart suspends gracefully, with the ribbon cascading around it in elegant loops, emphasizing the intricate detailing and the high craftsmanship involved in its creation. The reflective surface of the heart mirrors its surroundings, integrating the environment into the artwork and inviting viewers to interact with the piece from multiple perspectives. The choice of material and the flawless finish demonstrate Koons’ mastery in transforming everyday objects into profound artistic expressions.