“Harriet Tubman Series (Panel #4),” created by Jacob Lawrence in 1940, is an evocative genre painting classified within the Expressionism art movement. Rendered in tempera on board, this artwork is part of the collection housed at the Hampton University Museum in Hampton, Virginia, United States.
The artwork presents a dynamic and vivid tableau featuring four abstracted human figures in expressive, kinetic poses. Their bodies are starkly depicted with strong, bold lines and flat blocks of color, embodying a sense of movement and vitality against an earthy backdrop. The figure on the left wears yellow, while the other figures are dressed in blue, white, and red, respectively. Above, a sweeping dark blue form traverses the upper portion of the scene, providing a contrasting element to the otherwise muted palette of the background. The overall composition is marked by its simplicity and power, conveying a narrative steeped in historical and cultural significance.