The artwork, titled “Harvest Landscape,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. Utilizing ink and watercolor on paper, this piece exemplifies the Post-Impressionist movement and belongs to the landscape genre.
The artwork depicts a serene, expansive view of a rural landscape during the harvest season. Characteristic of van Gogh’s intricate line work, the scene is rendered with an intricate network of lines and vibrant hues of yellow and green. The foreground features cultivated fields with short, dense strokes indicating thriving crops, while the midground showcases a patchwork of fields separated by fences and dotted with farm buildings and sheds. Rolling hills occupy the background, suggesting a far-reaching view of the agricultural expanse. The inclusion of a few solitary figures and animals adds life and activity to the otherwise calm scenery, reflecting the simplicity and rhythm of rural life. Van Gogh’s execution of this work masterfully conveys the texture and structure of the landscape, capturing the tranquility and industrious spirit of the harvest season.