The artwork titled “Harvest of Hazelnuts,” created by William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1883, is an exquisite example of Academicism rendered in oil on canvas. This piece falls within the genre painting category, which often depicts scenes of everyday life with meticulous detail and refined technique.
In the artwork, two young girls are depicted in a serene forest setting. The girl standing is shown reaching up toward the hazelnut branches, her gaze directed upwards as she appears to either pluck or examine the fruit. She is dressed in a simple peasant blouse and skirt, typical of rural attire. The other girl, kneeling beside her, holds a wicker basket filled with freshly picked hazelnuts, her attention focused on her companion above. The expressions and postures of the subjects convey a sense of quiet determination and cooperation. The surrounding woodland, rendered with lush, detailed foliage, envelops the figures, suggesting a moment of tranquility in the midst of nature. Bouguereau’s masterful use of light and shadow enhances the realistic textures of both the figures and their environment, making the scene come alive with subtle, lifelike charm.