“Head Bosshart,” a work created by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in 1921, belongs to the Expressionism art movement. This piece, measuring 30.9 by 25.1 centimeters, falls under the genre of sketch and study.
The artwork features a sketch-like depiction of a male figure. The lines are somewhat chaotic, yet deliberate, capturing the subject’s facial features and overall expression with an intentional rawness characteristic of the Expressionist style. The man’s head is prominent within the composition, with notable details such as circular glasses and a distinct beard. The background is minimally detailed, focusing the viewer’s attention on the intricacies and the expressive line work of the figure’s face. The artwork’s simplicity in its depiction, combined with the expressive and somewhat fragmented line work, reflects the essence of the Expressionist approach, emphasizing emotional experience over physical perfection.