The artwork titled “Head,” created by the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1981, is an exemplification of the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements. This piece, categorized under the figurative genre, presents a compelling depiction rich in colorful, abstract elements and expressive lines.
The artwork showcases a chaotic yet meticulously composed scene, dominated by vivid hues and dynamic brushwork. A large, prominent eye is depicted, an iconic motif in Basquiat’s work, set against a backdrop of interwoven, jagged lines and blocks of color. The composition is a striking interplay of primary colors, with bold reds, blues, yellows, and blacks contributing to the overall intensity and vibrancy. The fragmented and layered elements convey a raw energy, characteristic of both Neo-Expressionism and the gritty aesthetic of street art. The juxtaposition of the abstract and the figurative within the artwork demonstrates Basquiat’s unique ability to merge disparate forms into a cohesive, powerful visual statement.