The artwork, titled “Head of a Man with Hat,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 while in Paris, France. Utilizing chalk on paper, this piece belongs to the Post-Impressionism movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. Currently, the artwork resides in a private collection.
The artwork presents a study sketch of a man’s head adorned with a hat. The man faces slightly downward, with a contemplative expression displayed upon his visage. The cross-hatching technique, employed with chalk, imparts depth and texture to both the hat and the face, emphasizing light and shadow. The hat, meticulously detailed with horizontal lines, contrasts the broader strokes depicting the man’s countenance and clothing. Van Gogh’s characteristic signature, “Vincent,” is inscribed below the drawing, acknowledging his handiwork. The monochromatic palette of the medium allows for a focus on technique and form, showcasing Van Gogh’s adeptness in capturing the subtleties of human expression and attire.