The artwork titled “Head of a Peasant Woman” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1884 while he resided in Nuenen, Netherlands. Executed using oil on canvas, this piece belongs to the Realism art movement and is categorized under the portrait genre. Presently, this masterpiece is housed in a private collection.
The artwork depicts a solemn, introspective representation of a peasant woman. The painter’s choice of a dark palette effectively conveys the subject’s somber and austere existence. The woman’s face, illuminated by the scant light, reveals deep-set eyes and pronounced features, capturing the hardships she faces. Van Gogh’s characteristic brushwork lends an expressive quality to the piece, enriching the emotional depth and realism for which he is celebrated. The background remains deliberately obscure, focusing the viewer’s attention entirely on the subject and her poignant expression.