“Head of a Young Girl,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1916 in Paris, France, is an oil painting on canvas that is associated with the Expressionism movement. This portrait belongs to a private collection.
The artwork portrays a young girl with a long, slender neck and a slightly elongated face, typical of Modigliani’s distinctive style. Her facial features are simplified yet expressive, with almond-shaped eyes and pursed lips suggesting a contemplative mood. The girl is dressed in a dark reddish garment, and the background is a warm, textured, brownish hue that complements the overall palette of the piece. The use of bold, yet warm and earthy tones, coupled with the simplified forms, captures the emotional essence and inner tranquility of the subject. The painting exemplifies Modigliani’s unique approach to portraiture, combining modernist abstraction with a deeply personal and emotive quality.