The artwork titled “Head of an Old Man” is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, the renowned artist from the Early Renaissance period. This sketch was created around 1488 in Milan, Italy, using ink on paper as the medium. With dimensions measuring 11.2 cm by 7.5 cm, it falls into the genre of sketches and studies, exemplifying meticulous observation and masterful execution typical of Da Vinci’s approach to drawing.
The artwork depicted presents an expressive portrait of an aged individual with marked features. The face is defined by deep lines and wrinkles, highlighting the effects of time on human skin. Leonardo da Vinci’s skillful use of ink allows for an intricate range of tonal variations, from the lightest touch to the darkest shadows, creating a strong sense of three-dimensionality and texture. The man’s gaze appears contemplative and distant, suggesting an inner depth and wisdom associated with old age.
To the lower right of the sketch, a collection of geometric shapes and small, precise annotations can be observed. This inclusion is characteristic of Leonardo’s practice of drawing, where often he would merge his interests in art and science. These elements resemble the form of mechanical components or mathematical diagrams, hinting at the polymath’s constant exploration of diverse fields of knowledge.
In summary, “Head of an Old Man” is a compelling example of Leonardo da Vinci’s exhaustive study of human physiognomy and his seamless blending of artistic and scientific inquiry.