“Heat of the Day, Venice,” created by James Charles in 1892, is an exemplar of the Impressionism movement and falls under the genre of genre painting. The artwork portrays a scene from daily life in Venice, capturing the essence of a moment in time through the use of light and color, characteristic of the Impressionist style.
The artwork features a tranquil canal scene bathed in sunlight. In the foreground, a woman is seen adjusting a red umbrella, shielding herself from the intense midday sun. She dons a white blouse paired with a red, patterned skirt. Adjacent to her, a gondola is docked, with its gondolier attired in a blue shirt and straw hat, imbuing the scene with a sense of everyday Venetian life. The architectural backdrop of opulent buildings and decorative poles, enhances the grandeur and historical richness of Venice. The use of colors and light captures the atmosphere of a hot day, effectively bringing the viewer into the moment depicted.