The artwork titled “Himalayas. Guru Guri Dhar,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1933, is an exquisite landscape rendered in tempera on canvas. Measuring 85 x 124 cm, this piece belongs to the Symbolism movement and currently resides in the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork vividly portrays the majestic expanse of the Himalayan mountain range, showcasing their vastness and serenity in a harmonious palette of blues and whites. The imposing peaks, depicted with angular precision, stand tall against a serene, misty backdrop, evoking both grandeur and tranquility. The mountains in the foreground are tinged with reddish hues, contrasting strikingly with the cool tones of the distant snow-capped summits. The overall composition captures the ethereal beauty and spiritual essence of the Himalayas, encapsulating their mystic allure and timeless presence.