The artwork titled “Hind Legs of a Horse,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, belongs to the Post-Impressionism movement. This drawing falls within the genre of sketches and studies, exemplifying van Gogh’s exploration and understanding of equine anatomy.
The artwork presents a detailed sketch of a horse’s hind legs, rendered with a few strategic and confident lines. The composition focuses solely on the lower part of the animal’s body, specifically its hind legs, capturing their structure and form with remarkable simplicity and precision. The lines are expressive, demonstrating van Gogh’s keen observation and ability to convey movement and strength through minimalist strokes. The background is plain, ensuring that the viewer’s attention remains on the defined contours and musculature of the horse’s legs. This study likely served as part of van Gogh’s broader efforts to master the depiction of animals, reflecting his enduring dedication to honing his craft.