The artwork titled “Hippies,” created by Lisa Yuskavage in 2013, resides within the art movement categories of Fantasy Art and Kitsch. Belonging to the genres of nude painting (nu) and figurative art, the piece is a testament to Yuskavage’s distinctive style and thematic exploration.
In the artwork, four ethereal figures stand intertwined in an open meadow, with the central figure prominently exposed in the nude. The setting possesses a dreamlike aura, juxtaposed by the luminescent, almost supernatural colors of the surrounding figures, which contrast against the darkened background. The background elements, with their nuanced shades and delicate depiction of flora, contribute to an otherworldly atmosphere, enhancing the fantastical feel of the piece. The figures’ expressions and postures evoke a sense of enigmatic calm and introspection, further emphasized by the soft, blended brushstrokes and the naturalistic yet surrealistic composition of the scene.