The artwork titled “Hirosaki Castle,” created by Hiroshi Yoshida in 1935, is a part of the Shin-hanga art movement and belongs to the landscape genre. It is included in the series “Eight Scenes of Cherry Blossoms.”
The artwork depicts an enchanting view of Hirosaki Castle framed by the delicate branches of blooming cherry blossom trees. The cherry blossoms, rendered in soft pink hues, create a natural frame that draws the viewer’s eye toward the castle’s intricate architectural details. The castle, situated atop a stone foundation, is bathed in a tranquil twilight glow, which adds a serene ambiance to the scene. The interplay of light and shadow, combined with the meticulous composition, captures the ephemeral beauty of cherry blossoms in full bloom, highlighting Yoshida’s mastery in landscape art within the Shin-hanga tradition.